Imports raw imaging data acquired with the LabeoTech's optical imaging systems.
This function reads multi-channel imaging data stored in binary files (img_xxxx.bin) as well as any analog signals (ai_xxxx.bin) recorded during an imaging session. The signal from each channel is stored separately in a .dat file with a .mat file containing associated metadata. This function has optional parameters that allows one to perform spatial and temporal binning as well as to import analog signals as events.
The run_ImagesClassification function creates one or more of the following .dat files:
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Speckle
- fluo / fluo_475 / fluo_567
The parameters of this function are the following:
Performs binning on each frame of the imported channels using a bicubic interpolation. The BinningSpatial values represent the scale factor that a frame is divided by. For example, for a recording with original frame size of 1024 by 1024 pixels, a BinningSpatial value of 2 will result in a frame of size 512 by 512 pixels.
A BinningSpatial value of 1 equals to no binning.
Performs binning across frames (i.e. over the time dimension) using a linear interpolation. The BinningTemp values represent the scale factor for the temporal dimension of a recording. For example, for a recording with original frame rate of 10Hz, a BinningTemp value of 2 will reduce the number of frames in half, resulting in a frame rate of 5Hz.
A BinningSpatial value of 1 equals to no binning.
If true, the stimulation triggers generated by the imaging system are ignored. If false (default), the stimulation triggers will be read and saved as events in a events.mat file and stored in the same folder as the output .dat files.
This parameter stats the name of the channel containing the triggers to be read. If the triggers are created by the LabeoTech system, select one of the two internal channels: Internal-main and Internal-Aux. If the triggers are from external sources, select one of the available Analog In channels.