Creates response amplitude maps from event-triggered data.
This function calculates response amplitude maps from image time series split by events. The response amplitude is calculated by the subtraction of a baseline from a post-event (trigger) measure. The available measures are:
- mean
- median
- min
- max
This function accepts only image time series split by events as input with dimensions E, Y, X and T.
The output of this function is a numerical matrix with dimensions E,Y,X containing the response amplitude maps for each event.
The parameter of this function are the following:
Measure to calculate the "baseline". Here the baseline accounts for all the frames before the trigger (i.e. event).
Measure to calculate the "response". Here the response accounts for the frames between the trigger (i.e. event) and the end of the trial or for a specific amout of time (set by the parameter postEvnt_timeWindow_sec).
Time window in which the response amplitude will be calculated. If set to "all" (default), all post-event time period will be used. Otherwise, provide a pair of values separated by a semicolon ( ; ) representing the start and end of the time period from the event onset. For instance, if you want to calculate the response in a time window of 2 seconds but ignore the first 0.5 seconds of the response, the TimeWindow_sec value is set as 0.5;2.5.
If a time window value is larger than the post-event time, the function will set this parameter to 'all'.